November 30, 2019

Workflow and Procrastination and Design as Travel

I've been having discussions about workflow and procrastination. These are excellent explanative charts!

The Sensemaking Process and Leverage Points for Analyst Technology as Identified Through Cognitive Task Analysis. Peter Pirolli and Stuart Card. PARC.

Right click and open image in new tab

Blog update

I worked on my personal website today. It was easy to host with the free Google Sites. I had a minor snafu with redirecting the "blog" subdomain to Blogger. I also used a free service called wwwizer to redirect the root domain @ A record to the www CNAME in DNS, because Google keeps that service only for G-suites, most likely because of the underlying server IP addresses changing occasionally. I chose to keep my blog hosted directly with Blogger because it is more secure: Wordpress has been rife with vulnerabilities in the past few years so it makes sense to keep it on an automatically updated platform. Overall I'm happy with the result for a start.